「Why I Came to Japan? Congo Bright Mind」 ゲストスピーカー Bernard Loleka Yungu 東健三 会員 ご紹介
Many researchers have been asking questions which still today are enigmatic, the first one is; why some countries like Japan and the USA are rich while others like the Democratic Republic of Congo and many others in Africa are relatively poor? And the second one is; what are people of those poor countries doing to come out of that poverty circle. With the same questions in mind, I took a plunge and came to Japan.
1. Why did I come to Japan?
Japan is always been taken as a model of development; in my presentation at the rotary club, I introduced Congo to the audience where only one attendee has been to the richest continent of Africa. Underlining the fact that in spite of all the diamonds and other natural resources, Congo still ranks 186th out of 187 to the Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Program (UNPD 2013). I therefore mentioned that my coming to Japan has a lot to do with finding mechanisms focusing in education to develop Congo. Why only education?
2. Congo Bright Mind. (NGO)
Education is a cycle of dynamic instruction or information which must be transmitted without failure from parents to children in order to insure the development. Unfortunately in Congo, the quality of education has been seriously deteriorated in the last three decades due to the political and economic instability. These conditions triggered generalized corruption, wars, and famine. I strongly believe that through Congo Bright Mind we will be able to promote education, training, information, and transformation of youth and Congolese intelligentsia. Fight poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and underdevelopment caused by lack of competence and qualification in the most diverse ranges of life. Provide gifted children with a framework to put their super intelligence to the benefit of the whole society, in order to bring development in the example of Japan. Furthermore, facilitate collaboration between researchers around the world.