「小規模金融が農村教育決定への影響」 ゲストスピーカー 楊 阿 麗 氏 (東 健三 会員 ご紹介)
Microfinance is the supply of loans, savings, money transfers, insurance, and other financial services to low-income people. Microfinance has become an important instrument for poverty alleviation and for improving the welfare of the poor in both developing and transition economies. Increased access to education will be key in any efforts to improve the quality of rural life and the welfare of the next generation in developing countries. Microfinance programs have been among components of poverty alleviation strategies that have attempted to address this challenge. The purpose of my research is to examine some channels through which microfinance may exert a positive influence on education outcomes. The results challenge usual assumptions in microfinance programs. In particular, for some ranges of household income and some types of borrowers, access to loans has conflicting effects on school enrollment. On the one hand, loans increase the demand for education as a result of income, risk-management, gender, and information effects. On the other hand, credit-constrained households that cultivate land or operate labor- intensive microenterprises discover new demands for child labor, Analyze these paradoxical results is substantial for policymakers and related policies